Welcome to Ear Training Practice dot com.
What happens here?
This site allows you to practice your dictation skills by listening to music and transcribing it into notation; you can do this by writing out the music on paper or entering it directly into your browser window. When you are ready, you can look at the answer and compare it with what you have entered. If you use the browser-entry function, you can also play back your answer and compare it with the actual answer.
What doesn't happen here?
ETPdC is a practice tool. That's all it is. It will not score your answers, correct your answers, nor does it record your answers or your progress anywhere. Nobody, including your teacher, can see your answers unless he/she is in the same room looking over your shoulder as you practice. Once you close or refresh a browser window, your answers are gone (but you can practice the same exercise over and over again if you like.)
What else do I need to know?
Proceed with caution--the site is very much under construction. You will find plenty of melodic dictation examples to get you started; chord progressions and other exercises will be along later. Basically, if you see a link to something, it's active. If you don't, it's not. Thanks for your patience.
I'm ready to get started. How do I use this site?
I'm glad you asked. Click here for instructions.
This site allows you to practice your dictation skills by listening to music and transcribing it into notation; you can do this by writing out the music on paper or entering it directly into your browser window. When you are ready, you can look at the answer and compare it with what you have entered. If you use the browser-entry function, you can also play back your answer and compare it with the actual answer.
What doesn't happen here?
ETPdC is a practice tool. That's all it is. It will not score your answers, correct your answers, nor does it record your answers or your progress anywhere. Nobody, including your teacher, can see your answers unless he/she is in the same room looking over your shoulder as you practice. Once you close or refresh a browser window, your answers are gone (but you can practice the same exercise over and over again if you like.)
What else do I need to know?
Proceed with caution--the site is very much under construction. You will find plenty of melodic dictation examples to get you started; chord progressions and other exercises will be along later. Basically, if you see a link to something, it's active. If you don't, it's not. Thanks for your patience.
I'm ready to get started. How do I use this site?
I'm glad you asked. Click here for instructions.